
Rafter Lazy S 

where cows work for you

Here at Rafter Lazy S Livestock we pride ourselves on raising cattle that perform even when their environments are unideal. Being pushed up against the Rocky Mountains of Alberta is incredibly scenic but has its draw backs of harsh, windy winters and dry summers. Despite the unpredictable environmental factors we face our cattle continue to thrive and produce top tier calves that are competitive with, if not surpassing those of our larger Canadian competitors located in more ideal cattle country.

Featured Cattle

At Rafter Lazy S we aim to produce quality, reputable cattle. We strive to be as transparent as possible and provide our customers with as much information as we can about each animal they are purchasing. To do this we we have spent a tremendous amount of time and money putting our entire Purebred herd into the CAA program Angus GS. Each of our animals is DNA tested and their parents have been verified. We have chosen to do this so that our buyers are can see what they are buying genetically and how that is reflected in the phenotypes of each of our animals.

Follow us on our ranching journey
